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QED Records. Accesible online.


QED RECORDS is a netlabel originally based in the Philippines, but recently relocated to California, USA. It went online June 25, 2004.

It was started by Acid42 (a.k.a. Lionel Valdellon) as an alternative channel through which he could offer his music free on the web, and quickly grew into an online showcase of electronic music made by Philippine electronic music producers, colleagues and friends.

See Wikipedia entry on netlabels.


Free music is good. Online record labels offer a musical diversity unavailable at physical record stores. (EDIT in 2012: Not that there are any left!) What’s more, because the music is on the web and is free, anyone with a computer and an Internet connection can access it.

This is a means to share the music freely. Music as pure message. It is a revolt against the status quo of music as cliched, banal, disposable commercial product.

In a country like the Philippines, where most commercially available music is either brainless, bandwagon-following novelty pop or plain-jane folksy acoustic remakes of older, far more intelligence-deadening radio hits, there are FEW avenues for electronic musicians. And yet, there is a steadily growing enclave of enthusiasts and producers who are thriving and multiplying and reaching into every corner of the culture. The netlabel then is an avenue, a way to share and promote the machine music we produce with the rest of the world.

Welcome to our revolution. Welcome to Q.E.D.


QED : Quod Erat Demonstrandum : that which was to be proven.
A latin phrase written at the end of a mathematical proof to show that the result required for the proof to be complete has been obtained. See Wikipedia entry on the latin phrase.


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